Italian Apennines (Abruzzo) Gran Sasso Massif - author Maurizio Passacantando

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Scientific publications by members of the European Snowfinch Group
(Latest publications of the three-year period 2019-2025)
• Carole A. Niffenegger, Sabine M. Hille, Christian Schano, Fränzi Korner-Nievergelt. Rising Temperatures Advance Start and End of the Breeding Season of an Alpine Bird Ecology and Evolution, 2025; 15:e70897 [Link-Article]
• Francesco Ceresa, Mattia Brambilla , Laura Kvist, Severino Vitulano, Michele Pes, Laura Tomasi, Paolo Pedrini, Chiara Bettega, Matteo Anderle, Andreas Hilpold, Petra Kranebitter. Wing morphology changes with habitat availability and elevation in an alpine-specialist bird Global Ecology and Conservation Volume 56, December 2024, e03276 [Link-Article]
• Carole A. Niffenegger, Sebastian Dirren, Christian Schano & Fränzi Korner-Nievergelt. 2024 Natural nest cavities in a high elevation habitat provide a more constant thermal environment than human-made nest cavities. J Ornithol 165, 545–549 (2024) [Link-Article]
• Carole A. Niffenegger, Christian Schano, Raphaël Arlettaz, Fränzi Korner-Nievergelt. 2023 Nest orientation and proximity to snow patches are important for nest site selection of a cavity breeder at high elevation. Journal of Avian Biology 2023: [Link-Article]
• Safiqul Islam, Claire Peart, Christian Kehlmaier, Yue-Hua Sun, Fumin Lei, Andreas Dahl, Sylvia Klemroth, Dimitra Alexopoulou, Maria del Mar Delgado, Paola Laiolo, Juan Carlos Illera, Sebastian Dirren, Sabine Hille, Davaa Lkhagvasuren, Till Töpfer, Martin Kaiser, Axel Gebauer, Jochen Martens, Claudia Paetzold, Martin Päckert (2024) Museomics help resolving the phylogeny of snowfinches (Aves, Passeridae, Montifringilla and allies). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 198, 108135 [Link-Article]
• Ceresa F., M. Brambilla, L. Kvist, S. Vitulano, M. Pes, L. Tomasi, P. Pedrini, C. Bettega, M. Anderle, A. Hilpold, P. Kranebitter. 2024. Restricted dispersal and inbreeding in a high-elevation bird across the ‘sky islands’ of the European Alps. Journal of Biogeography 51: 853-868. [Link-Article]
• Scridel D., M. Anderle, F. Capelli, A. Forti, C. Bettega, C. Alessandrini, M. del Mar Delgado, L. Pedrotti, P. Partel, G. Bogliani, P. Pedrini, M. Brambilla. 2024. Coping with unpredictable environments: fine-tune foraging microhabitat use in relation to prey availability in an alpine species. Oecologia. [Link-Article]
• Giulia Cenzi, Alessandro Forti, Riccardo Alba, Dan Chamberlain. 2023. Identifying new key conservation areas for the Snowfinch. Conference: XXI Convegno Italiano di Ornitologia (CIO), Varese 2023At: Università degli Studi dell'Insubria, Varese (Italy)Affiliation: Università degli Studi dell'Insubria. [Link-Article]
• Brambilla, M., D. Rubolini, O. Appukuttan, G. Calvi, D.N. Karger, P. Kmecl, T. Mihelič, T. Sattler, B. Seaman, N. Teufelbauer, J. Wahl, C. Celada. 2022. Identifying climate refugia for high-elevation Alpine birds under current climate warming predictions. Global Change Biology, 28, 4276-4291. [Link-Article]
• Brambilla M., C. Bettega, M.M. Delgado, M. De Gabriel-Hernando, M. Päckert, R. Arlettaz, S. Dirren, P. Fontanilles, J.A. Gil, M. Herrmann, S. Hille, F. Korner-Nievergelt, P. Pedrini, J. Resano-Mayor, C. Schano, D. Scridel. 2022. Insufficient considerations of seasonality, data selection and validation lead to biased species–climate relationships in mountain birds. J. Avian Biol., 2022: e03015. [Link-Article]
• Anne-Cathérine Gutzwiller (2022) - Supervised by Dr. Fränzi Korner-Nievergelt, Swiss Ornithological Institute, Sempach and Prof. Dr Valentin Amrhein, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Basel. - Intraspecific competition and winter sociality in white-winged snowfinches (Montifringilla nivalis). Master thesis at the Department of Environmental Sciences Zoology University of Basel. [Pdf]
• Corrado Alessandrini, Davide Scridel, Luigi Boitani, Paolo Pedrini & Mattia Brambilla (2022) Remotely sensed variables explain microhabitat selection and reveal buffering behaviours against warming in a climate-sensitive bird species Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation (2022); 10.1002/rse2.265 [Link-Article]
• Mattia Brambilla, Diego Rubolini, OjanAppukuttan, Gianpiero Calvi, Dirk Nikolaus Karger, Primož Kmecl, Tomaž Mihelič, Tommaso Sattler, BeniaminoMarinaio, Norbert Teufelbauer, Johannes Wahl, Claudio Celada (2022) Identifying climate refugia for high-elevation Alpine birds under current climate warming predictions Glob Change Biol. (2022); 00:1–16. [Link-Article]
• Miguel de Gabriel Hernando, Isabel Roa, Juan Fernandez-Gil, Jara Juan, Benito Fuertes, Barbara Reguera, Eloy Revilla (2022) Trends in weather conditions favor generalist over specialist species in rear-edge alpine bird communities Ecosphere (2022); 13:e3953 [Link-Article]
• Sebastian Dirren, Stéphanie Borel, Nina Wolfrum & Fränzi Korner-Nievergelt (2021) Trichomonas gallinae infections in the naïve host Montifringilla nivalis subsp. nivalis J Ornithol (2021). [Link-Article]
• Christian Schano, Carole Nifenegger, Tobias Jonas3 & Fränzi Korner‑Nievergelt (2021) Hatching phenology is lagging behind an advancing snowmelt pattern in a high‑alpine bird: Article number: Sci Rep 11, 22191 (2021). [Link-Article]
• Chiara Bettega PhD thesis (2021) Migration strategies and circannual patterns of habitat use of snowfinches (Montifringilla nivalis nivalis) in a patchy alpine landscape. [Link-Article]
• María del Mar Delgado, Raphaël Arlettaz, Chiara Bettega, Mattia Brambilla, Miguel de Gabriel Hernando, Antonio España, Ángel Fernández-González, Ángel Fernández-Martín, Juan Antonio Gil, Sergio Hernández-Gómez, Paola Laiolo, Jaime Resano-Mayor, José Ramón Obeso, Paolo Pedrini, Isabel Roa-Álvarez, Christian Schano, Davide Scridel, Eliseo Strinella, Ignasi Toranzo and Fränzi Korner-Nievergelt (2021) Spatio-temporal variation in the wintering associations of an alpine bird: The Royal Society. Collection. Proc. R. B 288:20210690 - [Link-Article]
• Miguel de Gabriel Hernando, Juan Fernández‐Gil, Isabel Roa, Jara Juan, Fernando Ortega, Francisco de la Calzada, Eloy Revilla (2021) Warming threatens habitat suitability and breeding occupancy of rear‐edge alpine bird specialists: Ecography published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Nordic Society Oikos 44: 1–14, 2021 doi: 10.1111/ecog.05593 [Link-Article]
• Jaime Resano-Mayor, Chiara Bettega, María del Mar Delgado, Angel Fernandez-Martín, Sergio Hernandez-Gomez, Ignasi Toranzo, Antonio Espana, Miguel de Gabriel, Is Mabel Roa-Alvarez, Juan Antonio Gil, Eliseo Strinella, Keith A. Hobson, Raphael Arlettaz (2020) Partial migration of White-winged snowfinches is correlated with winter weather conditions: Global Ecology and Conservation 24 (2020) e01346. [Link-Article]
• Eliseo Strinella, Davide Scridel, Mattia Brambilla Christian Schano & Fränzi Korner-Nievergelt (2020) Potential sex-dependent efects of weather on apparent survival of a high-elevation specialist: Scientific Reports 10:8386. [Link-Article]
• Mattia Brambilla, Jaime Resano-Mayor, Raphael Arlettaz, Chiara Bettega, Anais Binggeli, Giuseppe Bogliani, Veronika Braunisch, Claudio Celada, Dan Chamberlain, Jules Chiffard Carricaburu, Maria Del Mar Delgado, Philippe Fontanilles, Primoz Kmecl, Franzi Korner, Robert Lindner, Paolo Pedrini, Jakob Pohacker, Borut Rubinič, Christian Schano, Davide Scridel, Eliseo Strinella, Norbert Teufelbauer, and Miguel De Gabriel Hernando (2020). Potential distribution of a climate sensitive species, the White-winged Snowfinch Montifringilla nivalis in Europe. Bird Conservation International (2020) 30:522–532. © BirdLife International. [Link-Article]
• Chiara Bettega, Angel Fernandez-Gonzalez, Jose Ramon Obeso & Maria Del Mar Delgado (2020) Circannual variation in habitat use of the White‐winged Snowfinch Montifringilla nivalis nivalis: IBIS doi: 10.1111/ibi.12829. [Link-Article]
• Mattia Brambilla, Davide Scridel, Beatrice Sangalli, Federico Capelli, Paolo Pedrini, Giuseppe Bogliani, Diego Rubolini (2019). Ecological factors affecting foraging behaviour during nestling rearing in a high-elevation species, the white-winged snowfinch (Montifringilla nivalis). Ornis Fennica 96: 142-151. [Link-Article]
• Mattia Brambilla, Federico Cappelli, Matteo Anderle, Alessandro Forti, Marica Bazzanella, Giulia Maserio, Giuseppe Bogliani, Piergiovanni Partel, Paolo Pedrini, Luca Pedrotti, & Davide Scridel (2019) Landscape-associated differences in fine-scale habitat selection modulate the potential impact of climate change on White-winged Snowfinch Montifringilla nivalis. Bird Study, 65: 525-532. [Link-Article]
• Jaime Resano-Mayor, Fränzi Korner-Nievergelt, Sergio Vignali, Nathan Horrenberger, Arnaud G. Barras, Veronika Braunisch, Claire A. Pernollet, Raphaël Arlettaz (2019) Snow cover phenology is the main driver of foraging habitat selection for a high-alpine passerine during breeding. Implications for species persistence in the face of climate change. In: Biodivers Conserv 28 (10), S.2669–2685. DOI:10.1007/s10531-019-01786-9. [Link-Article]
• Maria del Mar Delgado, Chiara Bettega, Jochen Martens & Martin Päckert (2019) Ecotypic changes of alpine birds to climate change. Scientific Reports, 9:16082. [Link-Article]