Synthesis of colored rings in use Montifringilla nivalis projects in Europe
(Spanish Cantabrian)
(Spanish Cantabrian)
(Spanish Central Pyrenees)
(Spanish Eastern Pyrenees)
(Western French Pyrenees)
(French Alps)
(Swiss Alps)
(Italian Apennines)
(Italian Alps)
Montifringilla nivalis colored ring projects in Europe
European Snowfinch Group
Italian portion of the Alps
Institutional referents of the activities:
• Muse - Science Museum, Trento:
• Lombardy Foundation for the Environment:
• Institutional patronage, Italian Bird Ringing Centre "ISPRA ex INFS, Ozzano Emilia":
• Institutional patronage, National Park Italy “Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio":
• Association patronage, Italian Ornithological Studies Centre - Group website:
• Association patronage, Piedmont Group of Ornithological Studies GPSO:
Coordinator of the Italian Group in the Alps: Mattia Brambilla "Environmental Science and Policy Department, University of Milano"
Colored ring project:
Started in 2021 in Trento province and Stelvio National Park.
Used since 2021: WHITE (pvc) ring with three RED alphanumeric codes, 3 letter.
European coordination of colour rings: (2004-2015)
Montifringilla nivalis colored ring projects in Europe
European Snowfinch Group
Spain, Cantabrian Mountains (Picos de Europa National Park)
Institutional referents of the activities:
- Grupo Ibérico de Anillamiento (GIA-León):
- Group website:
Coordinator of the Cantabrian Mountains (Picos de Europa):
- Miguel de Gabriel - Grupo Ibérico de Anillamiento (GIA-León)
- Isabel Roa Álvarez - Grupo Ibérico de Anillamiento (GIA-León)
Colored ring project:
Started in 2004 in Picos de Europa National Park, Study area: Cordillera Cantabrica (NW Spain)
In the period 2004-2015 birds were ringed with combination of two aluminium (anodised) c-rings and a metal ring, used colours: Black, red, yellow, green, blue and lilac.
European coordination of colour rings: (2004-2015)
Used since 2016: BLUE (pvc) ring with three WHITE alphanumeric codes (on the left (even years) and right (odd years) tarsus) and metal ring (on the right (even years) and left (odd years) tarsus).
European coordination of colour rings: (2016)
Total assigned codes [pdf] : 100
Montifringilla nivalis colored ring projects in Europe
European Snowfinch Group
Italian Apennines
Institutional referents of the activities:
- Reparto Biodiversità L'Aquila:
- Group website:
Coordinator of the Italian Group in the Apennines:
- Eliseo Strinella - Reparto Carabinieri Biodiversità L'Aquila
- Marta De Paulis - Reparto Carabinieri Biodiversità L'Aquila
Colored ring project:
Started in 2004 in National Park Italy "Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga": Gran Sasso Massif
Combination of 1 to 3 (anodized) aluminium c-rings and a metal ring In the period 2004-2008 .
Used colours are brown, black, red, yellow, green, violet, orange, dark-blue, light-blue, grey.
Birds are ringed in the territory, National Park Gran Sasso Laga (Abruzzo - Italy).
European coordination of colour rings: (2004-2008)
Used since 2009: WHITE (pvc) colour rings with three BLACK alphanumeric codes 1 letter and 2 numbers, and metal ring on the right tarsus.
European coordination of colour rings: (2009)
For information on the marking scheme, refer to (ISPRA):
Email sighting submit:
Total assigned codes [pdf], in use since 2019: 225
Montifringilla nivalis colored ring projects in Europe
European Snowfinch Group
Spain, Cantabrian Mountains (Las Ubiñas-La Mesa and Babia-Luna Natural Parks)
Institutional referents of the activities:
- Founded by: British Ecological Society
- Funded by: Gobierno de España, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
- University of "Oviedo, Campus de Mieres"
- Biodiversity Research Institute (UMIB, UO-CSIC-PA), Oviedo:
- Website:
Coordinator of the Central Cantabrian Mountains Group, "Las Ubiñas-La Mesa and Babia-Luna Natural Parks":
- Maria del Mar Delgado - Biodiversity Research Institute (UMIB, UO-CSIC-PA), Oviedo
- Rafael Benjumea - Biodiversity Research Institute (UMIB, UO-CSIC-PA), Oviedo
Colored ring project:
Started in 2017 in Parque Natural de las Ubiñas-La Mesa
European coordination of colour rings: (2017)
Used since 2017: BLUE (pvc) ring with three WHITE alphanumeric codes.
Current code and the onse I will use in future: MVC-M92, and M41-M7X
Metal rings: Institute is Doñana Biological Station (CSIC)
Montifringilla nivalis colored ring projects in Europe
European Snowfinch Group
Swiss Alps
Institutional referents of the activities:
- Swiss Ornithological Institute:
- Institute of Ecology and Evolution (Conservation Division), University of Bern:
Coordinator of the Swiss Alps:
- Fränzi Korner-Nievergelt - Swiss Ornithological Institute Sempach
- Jaime Resano Mayor - University of Bern, Switzerland
Colored ring project:
Started in 2016 in Switzerland Central Alps
European coordination of colour rings: (2016-1)
European coordination of colour rings: (2017-2)
note 1: used letters are: A, C, E, G, H, J, K.
note 2: used numbers are: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9.
Used since 2016: RED (pvc) ring with three WHITE alphanumeric codes.
Birds are ringed at several places in the Swiss Alps in summer (GREY RINGS) and winter (RED RINGS).
Metal rings: Sempach Swiss Ornithological Institute
Montifringilla nivalis colored ring projects in Europe
European Snowfinch Group
Spanish Eastern Pyrenees
Institutional referents of the activities:
- Biodiversity Research Institute (UMIB, UO-CSIC-PA), Oviedo:
- Grup d’anellament Parus:
- Biodiversity Research Institute (UMIB, UO-CSIC-PA), Oviedo:
Coordinator of the Spanish Eastern Pyrenees:
- Maria del Mar Delgado - Biodiversity Research Institute (UMIB, UO-CSIC-PA), Oviedo
Previous coordinator:
- Jaime Resano Mayor - University of Bern, Switzerland
Colored ring project:
Started in 2016 in Spanish Eastern Pyrenees (Catalonia, northern Spain)
European coordination of colour rings: (2016)
note 1: used letters are: A, C, E, G, H, J, K.
note 2: used numbers are: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9.
note 3: birds are ringed only in winter.
Used since 2016: DARK-GREEN (pvc) ring with three WHITE alphanumeric codes.
Metal rings: (ICO) Istituto Català d'Ornitologia.
Montifringilla nivalis colored ring projects in Europe
European Snowfinch Group
Spanish Central Pyrenees
Institutional referents of the activities:
- Fundación para la Conservación del Quebrantahuesos:
- Grupo Aragón de Anillamiento Científico de Aves:
- Grup d’anellament Parus:
- Biodiversity Research Institute (UMIB, UO-CSIC-PA), Oviedo:
Coordinator of Spanish Central Pyrenees:
- Juan Antonio Gil - Fundación para la Conservación del Quebrantahuesos
- Maria del Mar Delgado - Biodiversity Research Institute (UMIB, UO-CSIC-PA), Oviedo
Colored ring project:
Started in 2013 in the Spanish Central Pyrenees (Northern Spain)
European coordination of colour rings: (2013)
note 1: used letters are A, C, F, H, J, L, M, N, P, R, T, U, V, W and X.
note 2: used numbers are 0 - 9.
Used since 2013: YELLOW (pvc) ring with three BLACK alphanumeric codes.
Codes assigned [Pdf]
Metal rings: Institute Català d'Ornitologia, Estacion Biologica de Doñana.
Montifringilla nivalis colored ring projects in Europe
European Snowfinch Group
Western French Pyrenees
Institutional referents of the activities:
- Parc National des Pyrénées:
- Office Français de la Biodiversité (OFB):
Coordinator of Western French Pyrenees:
- Philippe Fontanilles - "Parc National des Pyrénées"
- Jules Chiffard - "Office Français de la Biodiversité (OFB)"
- Jeanne Duhayer - "Office Français de la Biodiversité (OFB)"
Colored ring project:
Started in 2024 : Birds are ringed around the area of the Pic Midi de Bigorre summit and Tourmalet pass (Barèges, La Mongie), Pyrenees, France.
Colour-ring type: Orange [O] with a white engraving two alpha- numeric code (on two leg) and metal ring (on right leg).
We are starting using only letters A to Z for now.
In winter 2024 before having orange rings with white engraving, we used a combination of two coloured-rings (left leg) and a metal ring (right leg).
We used a pink ring with another ring (orange, yellow, green, blue, black, red or pink).
European coordination of colour rings: (2024)
Montifringilla nivalis colored ring projects in Europe
Montifringilla nivalis colored ring projects in Europe
The use of colored rings on "long-lived" species and on any stable and breeding population requires a future commitment in the field of rereading, which will only provide valuable information in the long term.
Field workers, mountain massif of the Gran Sasso, Italy - author Daniele Feriozzi