
Snowfinch - Field workshop and training

Field workshop and training week 31. Jan. - 4. Feb. 2022 at Tiefenbach, Furkapass, Switzerland

Snowfinch researchers and ringers from Austria, Montenegro and Switzerland spent the week together in the snow to exchange experiences in methods and to discuss research ideas.

Location:, 2100m asl


• Sabine Hille, Charel Klein, Julia Schuster (Austria);

• Nikola Novovic (Montenegro);

• Jean-Louis Berthoud, Sebastian Dirren, Fränzi Korner-Nievergelt, Carole Niffenegger, Christian Schano (Switzerland);

© gallery web

© author Fränzi Korner-Nievergelt


European workshop

A snowfinch European workshop will be organized to review all the ongoing activities carried out by snowfinch specialists in Europe, with the aim to identify the best practices and share a common research and monitoring program.

More info will be available on this website.

© gallery web

© author Eliseo Strinella

 Group list©©

“The Snowfinch Montifringilla nivalis 2° European Meeting”

Corsica: Parc naturel régional de Corse 24-25 April 2020

Dear Snowfinch researchers,
The Syndicat mixte du Parc naturel régional de Corse is happy to invite you to the second European Snowfinch meeting.
Dates: 24./25. April 2020, Corté, Corse.
A detailed program will be sent to interested people in short time.

Best wishes,
Jean-François Seguin and Fränzi Korner

© author Eliseo Strinella


 Group list©©

“The Snowfinch Montifringilla nivalis European Meeting”

Italy Abruzzo: L'Aquila 22-24 november 2018


“The Snowfinch Montifringilla nivalis European Meeting”

Italy Abruzzo: L'Aquila 23 november 2018 - convention

“The Snowfinch Montifringilla nivalis European Meeting”

Italy Abruzzo: Assergi AQ 22 november 2018 - meeting

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