Italian Alps Province of Verona- author Roberto Brembilla
Objectives proposed by the European Snowfinch Group
Population estimates and trends
Group members hope to estimate population size and short- and long-term trend in the major European mountain areas.
This could require also methodological developments, which would start from existing general information and end with site-specific calibration and improvements on the basis of the local features.
Coloured rings
Recording all projects marking snowfinches with coloured rings is essential to avoid replication of marking schemes (colours and codes). Information about projects are available on the website
A photographic guide to colour-ringed birds is available on the website
Guidelines for age and sex identification
A practical field guide for age and sex identification, to be realized by moving from scientific works already available, integrating existing knowledge with specialists' experiences.
Several members of the European Snowfinch Group regularly ring snowfinches.
Purpose of the group is to exchange information and experience and to develop a standard method to collect biometric and moult data, to improve data quality in the light of large-scale analyses.
Breeding biology and nest-boxes
Monitoring breeding biology and parameters (e.g. brood size, number of breeding attempts, fledging rate, ...) and the relative variations is crucial to evaluate conservation status of individual populations and the potential impact of climate change and climate-driven habitat modifications.
Regular monitoring within selected study areas is thus important, and the use of nest-boxes may help evaluate to breeding parameters.
European archive of snowfinch museum specimens
A further objective of the group is to develop a common archive of snowfinch museum specimens in Europe, potentially useful to get distributional information important to improve knowledge on the past distribution of the species and on individual movements outside the breeding areas.
The specimens will be listed and archived according to date and locality, with the relevant information associated to each record, including data property and relative authorizations.
• Museums zoological collection Montifringilla nivalis
• Contact collections archive of snowfinch museum specimens: Adriano De Faveri