Study area: Spain, Central and Eastern Pyrenees
Beginning of ringing and monitoring activities: winter 2005 (Eastern Pyrenees), summer 2012 (Central Pyrenees)
Ringing and field work activity: winter ringing and monitoring (Eastern Pyrenees; November-March), summer ringing (Central Pyrenees; July)
Main goals of the activities:
• Long-term population yearly monitoring to estimate demographic parameters and dispersion/connectivity among European populations;
• Site fidelity by using capture-recapture methodologies
• Genetic analysis
Spain - Catalan Pyrenees
Ringing activity results:
More than 1000 ringed individuals in a wintering population of the Eastern Pyrenees
Ringing of few breeding individuals in the Central Pyrenees
Colour ring project:
2005-2009: colour rings in the Eastern Pyrenees at winter
Start 2013: PVC alphanumeric (3 digits) colour rings (yellow = breeding Central Pyrenees)
Start 2016: PVC alphanumeric (3 digits) colour rings (green = wintering Eastern Pyrenees)
European coordination of colour rings:
Winter Pyrenees:
Spain - Catalan Pyrenees (Snowfinches flying around the feeders in winter)
Coordinator of the Pyrenees Snowfinch project:
• Maria del Mar Delgado - Biodiversity Research Institute (UMIB, UO-CSIC-PA), Oviedo
Researchers involved Group (Spain, Central and Eastern Pyrenees):
• Jaime Resano-Mayor - University of Bern, Switzerland - ²Grup d’anellament PARUS, Lliçà d’Amunt, Barcelona
• Juan Antonio Gil - Fundación para la Conservación del Quebrantahuesos, Zaragoza.
²Grupo Aragón de Anillamiento Científico de Aves, Estación Zaragoza-Delicias, Zaragoza
• Ángel Fernández-Martín - Grup d’anellament PARUS, Lliçà d’Amunt, Barcelona.
• Sergio Hernández-Gómez - Grup d’anellament PARUS, Lliçà d’Amunt, Barcelona.
• Ignasi Toranzo - Grup d’anellament PARUS, Lliçà d’Amunt, Barcelona.
• Antonio España - Grup d’anellament PARUS, Lliçà d’Amunt, Barcelona.
• María del Mar Delgado, Raphaël Arlettaz, Chiara Bettega, Mattia Brambilla, Miguel de Gabriel Hernando, Antonio España, Ángel Fernández-González, Ángel Fernández-Martín, Juan Antonio Gil, Sergio Hernández-Gómez, Paola Laiolo, Jaime Resano-Mayor, José Ramón Obeso, Paolo Pedrini, Isabel Roa-Álvarez, Christian Schano, Davide Scridel, Eliseo Strinella, Ignasi Toranzo and Fränzi Korner-Nievergelt (2021). "Spatio-temporal variation in the wintering associations of an alpine bird". The Royal Society. Collection. Proc. R. B 288:20210690 -
• Jaime Resano-Mayor, Chiara Bettega, María del Mar Delgado, Angel Fernandez-Martín, Sergio Hernandez-Gomez, Ignasi Toranzo, Antonio Espana, Miguel de Gabriel, Is Mabel Roa-Alvarez, Juan Antonio Gil, Eliseo Strinella, Keith A. Hobson, Raphael Arlettaz (2020) Partial migration of White-winged snowfinches is correlated with winter weather conditions: Global Ecology and Conservation 24 (2020) e01346.
• Jaime Resano-Mayor, Angel Fernandez-Martın, Sergio Hernandez-Gomez, Ignasi Toranzo, Antonio Espana, Juan Antonio Gil, Miguel de Gabriel, Isabel Roa-Alvarez, Eliseo Strinella, Keith A. Hobson, Gerald Heckel, Raphael Arlettaz 2016. Integrating genetic and stable isotope analyses to infer the population structure of the White-winged Snowfinch Montifringilla nivalis in Western Europe, 2016 J Ornithol DOI 10.1007/s10336-016-1413-8.
Members of the group PARUS ringing and measuring captured Snowfinches
A group of Snowfinches feeding at the feeders after a heavy snowfall in winter
Spain central Pyrenees - (View of the breeding and feeding grounds of Snowfinches)